* make a readme
make a new readme for Korean
* git-flight-rule 번역 중간과정 01
브랜치 부분에서 한번 커밋
* git-flight-rule 번역 중간과정 02
머지 시작
* git-flight-rule 번역 1차 종료후 점검
* 점검 후 첫 완료
* 오타 수정 몇가지 수정
* 네비게이션 링크 추가
* 표현 수정
When viewing the git-flight-rules repository under gitlab, it lists the first README*.md file, which for some reason it sorts `-` before `.`. This changes the Spanish README's filename to match the other two translations already in this repository.
* Add missing HEAD argument in 2 Git commands
These commands had been inserted in #148 and (over)simplified in #163.
The issue is that `git push <remote>` and `git push -u <remote>` will
typically raise the error below (unlike `git push <remote> HEAD`):
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
fatal: The current branch new-branch has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
git push --set-upstream origin new-branch
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
* Add doc URL & Avoid triple backquotes
Runs doctoc for README*.md.
If in newly doctoc'ed README*.md there are any diffs against
ones commited in git HEAD then the test failes.
The script are using the latest anchor-markdown-header from repo
to avoid the bug with non-ASCII headers.
* New Topic for 'Finding'
Added command which can be used to find a string in any commit
* Added command that can be used to find for commits either by author or committer
* Fixed link
* Consolidate the name of the subsystem
The name of the subsytem is considered to be 'Git' and not 'git'.
There was inconsistency in the document by referring to the subsystem
using both 'git' and 'Git'.
Consolidate the usages to 'Git' which is generally considered to be
the name of the subsystem.
* Consolidate the name of GitHub
They website is generally called 'GitHub' and not 'github'.
* Quote the git commands correctly
* Avoid fullstops in section names
This is done for the sake of consistency. Most of the section names
don't have a fullstop at the end.
So, ...
* Update the ToC
The Table of Contents seems to have been out of date with the section
So, update the ToC with 'doctoc'.
* Clarify that the changes are removed only for the previous commit
* Showcase the flexibility of `git fetch -p`
The example for that exhibits the way to 'prune' remote branches that
were deleted upstream wasn't flexible as it relied on the command
defaulting to the upstream of the current branch. This might lead
the reader into overlooking the flexibility of the `git fetch`.
Show that the 'upstream' can be mentioned in the command thus show
casing the flexibility of `git fetch`.
* Exemplify the safer version of branch deletion
It's not good for newbies to start using 'force deletion' when they
want to delete a branch as it might lead them to them into
'accidentally' deleting their branches often without merging them
into other branches or pushing them to an upstream.
So, exemplify the safer version of branch deletion (branch -d) and
warn them about what `git branch -D` does.
* Improve readability of a few phrases
It's not required to use 'git' a lot as this a document about Git,
after all.
* Use HTTPS links for sites that serve using HTTPS
* Clarify that rebasing just re-writes history
Rebasing fast-forwards when the tip of the branch is a descendent of
the tip of the upstream. In other cases it re-writes the history. This
re-write is what actually leads the user to 'force' update the remote.
So, clarify that a user has to force update only when the history is
re-written regardless of whether the branch was fast-forwarded.
* Attribute both the authors of the second edition of Pro Git
* Try a different form of emphasizing text
Capitalizing words seems to be over emphasizing words. Italicize
the words, instead to see if works.
* Mention what 'upstream' means for the sake of clarity
* Simplify the way to create a remote branch from the local one
The commands were needlessly complex by not considering the fact
that the command defaults to HEAD when no branch is specified and
changing configuration when it wasn't required.
Simplify the commands to make readers more happy!
* Remove a character cruft left over while editing
This is an instance of a carelessly edited document getting into
version control. ;)
* Improve a sentence
... by,
- expanding acronyms
- quoting a command line parameter
* Discarding staged changes vs unstaged changes - commands corrected
* added space between word and parenthesis
* Added <a> tag and TOC for content
* adding missing backticks
* Updated links in staging section