diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 32c3ffc..2ef0ad5 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ For clarity's sake all examples in this document use a customized bash prompt in - [I want to delete a branch](#i-want-to-delete-a-branch) - [I want to rename a branch](#i-want-to-rename-a-branch) - [I want to checkout to a remote branch that someone else is working on](#i-want-to-checkout-to-a-remote-branch-that-someone-else-is-working-on) + - [I want to create a new remote branch from current local one](#i-want-to-create-a-new-remote-branch-from-current-local-one) - [Rebasing and Merging](#rebasing-and-merging) - [I want to undo rebase/merge](#undo-rebase) - [I rebased, but I don't want to force push.](#i-rebased-but-i-dont-want-to-force-push) @@ -68,16 +69,20 @@ For clarity's sake all examples in this document use a customized bash prompt in - [Apply a specific stash from list](#stash-apply-specific) - [Miscellaneous Objects](#miscellaneous-objects) - [Clone all submodules](#clone-all-submodules) + - [Remove a submodule](#remove-a-submodule) - [Delete tag](#delete-tag) - [Recover a deleted tag](#recover-a-deleted-tag) - [Deleted Patch](#deleted-patch) - [Tracking Files](#tracking-files) - [I want to change a file name's capitalization, without changing the contents of the file.](#i-want-to-change-a-file-names-capitalization-without-changing-the-contents-of-the-file) + - [I want to overwrite local files when doing a git pull](#i-want-to-overwrite-local-files-when-doing-a-git-pull) - [I want to remove a file from git but keep the file](#i-want-to-remove-a-file-from-git-but-keep-the-file) - [I want to revert a file to a specific revision](#i-want-to-revert-a-file-to-a-specific-revision) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [I want to add aliases for some git commands](#i-want-to-add-aliases-for-some-git-commands) + - [I want to add an empty directory to my repository](#i-want-to-add-an-empty-directory-to-my-repository) - [I want to cache a username and password for a repository](#i-want-to-cache-a-username-and-password-for-a-repository) + - [I want to make Git ignore permissions and filemode changes](#i-want-to-make-git-ignore-permissions-and-filemode-changes) - [I've no idea what I did wrong](#ive-no-idea-what-i-did-wrong) - [Other Resources](#other-resources) - [Books](#books) @@ -654,6 +659,32 @@ Switched to a new branch 'daves' This will give you a local copy of the branch `daves`, and any update that has been pushed will also show up remotely. + +### I want to create a new remote branch from current local one + + +```sh +$ git config push.default upstream +$ git push -u origin HEAD +``` + +If you want to check out the other default configs which ```git push``` can take, visit the documentation for Git at https://git-scm.com/docs/git-config#git-config-pushdefault + +If you do not want to change the git configuration, you can also use: + +```sh +$ git push -u HEAD +``` + +With the ```upstream``` mode and the ```simple``` mode (default in Git 2.0), the following command will push the current branch w.r.t. the remote branch that has been registered previously with -u : + +```sh +$ git push +``` + +The behavior of the other modes of ```git push``` is described in the doc of push.default. + + ## Rebasing and Merging @@ -958,6 +989,18 @@ If already cloned: $ git submodule update --init --recursive ``` + +### Remove a submodule + +Creating a submodule is pretty straight-forward, but deleting them less so. The commands you need are: + +```sh +$ git submodule deinit submodulename +$ git rm submodulename +$ git rm --cached submodulename +$ rm -rf .git/modules/submodulename +``` + ### Delete tag @@ -1003,6 +1046,14 @@ From github.com:foo/bar (master)$ git mv --force myfile MyFile ``` + +### I want to overwrite local files when doing a git pull. + +```sh +(master)$ git fetch --all +(master)$ git reset --hard origin/master +``` + ### I want to remove a file from git but keep the file @@ -1055,6 +1106,27 @@ On OS X and Linux, your git configuration file is stored in ```~/.gitconfig```. zap = fetch -p ``` + +### I want to add an empty directory to my repository + +You can’t! Git doesn’t support this, but there’s a hack. You can create a .gitignore file in the directory with the following contents: + +``` + # Ignore everything in this directory + * + # Except this file + !.gitignore +``` + +Another common convention is to make an empty file in the folder, titled .gitkeep. + +```sh +$ mkdir mydir +$ touch mydir/.gitkeep +``` + +You can also name the file as just .keep , in which case the second line above would be ```touch mydir/.keep``` + ### I want to cache a username and password for a repository @@ -1070,6 +1142,19 @@ $ git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600' # Set the cache to timeout after 1 hour (setting is in seconds) ``` + +### I want to make Git ignore permissions and filemode changes + +```sh +$ git config core.fileMode false +``` + +If you want to make this the default behaviour for logged-in users, then use: + +```sh +$ git config --global core.fileMode false +``` + ## I've no idea what I did wrong