esphome: name: esp360remote esp32: board: esp32doit-devkit-v1 framework: type: arduino # Enable logging logger: # Enable Home Assistant API api: services: - service: send_ir_raw variables: command: int[] then: - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw: transmitter_id: IR_TX code: !lambda 'return command;' - service: send_rf_raw variables: protocol_number: int raw_data: string then: - remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw: transmitter_id: RF_TX protocol: !lambda 'return esphome::remote_base::RC_SWITCH_PROTOCOLS[protocol_number];' code: !lambda 'return raw_data;' ota: password: "" wifi: ssid: "nossid" password: "nopassword" #HotSpot when it can't connect to WiFi ap: ssid: "Esp360Remote" password: "Esp360Remote" captive_portal: #i2c bus definition i2c: sda: 21 scl: 22 scan: true id: bus_a #Offsets have been added to the measurements taken. #These are necessary due to the heat generated by the PCB, the second layer of the board, and the case. #This way, sufficiently accurate values are obtained for automations sensor: - platform: shtcx temperature: name: "Living Room Temperature" filters: - offset: -4 humidity: name: "Living Room Humidity" filters: - offset: +19.1 address: 0x70 update_interval: 120s - platform: bh1750 name: "BH1750 Illuminance" filters: - multiply: 5 address: 0x23 update_interval: 1s #Setting up IR and RF receivers remote_receiver: - id: RF_RX pin: number: GPIO5 inverted: True dump: - rc_switch tolerance: 35% filter: 200us idle: 4ms buffer_size: 10kb on_rc_switch: - homeassistant.event: event: esphome.rf_code_received data: protocol: !lambda 'return x.protocol;' code: !lambda 'return x.code;' - id: IR_RX pin: number: GPIO19 inverted: True dump: all #Setting up IR and RF transmitters remote_transmitter: - id: RF_TX pin: GPIO18 carrier_duty_percent: 100% - id: IR_TX pin: GPIO13 carrier_duty_percent: 50% web_server: port: 80 #Status LED switch: - platform: gpio pin: 12 name: "Status Led" restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON